Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Conference in Spanish

This week was good! We were able to work with lots of members to visit people. Eunice is doing good. She wasn't able to go to church this week because she had a family things but she was going to go to a young adult activity with one of the members that we brought to her house. The member is a youth that's going to leave for the mission in a few months but he was super good at talking with her, asked for her information so that they could bring her to the activities and everything. It made me super excited for when I come home to make friends with the investigators haha! Seibi and Glenda were able to go to a baptism that the elders in our ward had. They really liked it and it really helped a lot. They weren't able to make it to church this week either because they already had plans but hopefully they can come to the conferences!

I'm super excited for the conference this weekend! 6 months passed by super fast!!!! Chinautla is doing alright. We were able to find new investigators this Saturday, including the family of Aurelia. We were able to visit with them and we had a super good lesson with them. Aurelia was super excited and said that she would come to church but when we tried to call her in the morning the phone was turned off. And we tried again today and it's still turned off...we don't know what happened but maybe something. I guess we'll find out when we go out there this week.

I'm doing pretty good. I've got something funny going on in my stomach but don't worry. The nurses gave me something to take because they think that I might have an infection but I finished the medicine and I don't think I'm better so we'll find out what happens when I talk to them tonight again. I'm not horrible and I'm not going to die it's just a little annoying haha.

The Relief Society conference was great! It was in Spanish and I've gotten a lot better at my Spanish. I'm understanding a lot more so I understood most of the conference. It's funny because I remember earlier in the mission I thought that I would never be in the point that I'm at right now that I can understand more and things are going well in the lessons and I can call and talk to people on the telephone haha!

I love you tons and hope you have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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