Tuesday, March 27, 2012

No Transfers for us!

This week was kind of long. I don't remember much of it though. We visited a lot of families and Hermana Ramos was saying good bye to people and packing her stuff all this week and guess what? We don't have transfers hahaha! We're happy though that we can stay together for a little bit longer. We had like 5 or 6 meals set up for appointments though on Tuesday between 1 and 8pm so I'm kind of happy that she isn't leaving because I know that I can't eat that much food. I would have been so sick haha. Thank goodness!

Everything's going good. We're a little low on investigators right now but we're really going to go to work this week and get the work going. Happy Birthday Grandpa N this week! Hope that you have a great birthday!!!

Sorry there really isn't anything much to talk about this week. We thought the transfers would be pretty big but no.

Love you lots and hope you have a great week!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yes the baptism went through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes the baptism went through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so happy!!!!!! We were nervous the day before the baptism because Mariela had her interview but she passed with flying colors. Then the day of her baptism: we were calling her in the morning but she wasn't answering her phone because we needed to tell her to bring a towel and a change of clothes for after the baptism (we forgot to tell her earlier haha whoops) and she wasn't answering. Finally she answered and she had a headache and wasn't feeling good so we were freaking out about that but she rested and the baptism went good. Elder Moràn baptized her. Then the next day we were nervous that she wouldn't show up at church for the confirmation but she came and it was all good. We're so happy and a little relieved that it's over haha!!! It was great though. Her testimony is amazing and she's really helping the other members. She's always encouraging us to work harder so that we can have more baptisms. She's great.

Our other person with a date, David, fell through. We couldn't meet with him again and it went cabluie.....but it's all good. We're going through a little rough time because we dropped some investigators this last week because they weren't progressing or don't want anymore so we're searching for new ones. And we only have one more week together so we're trying to get everything ready so if we're both pulled out of the area the new missionaries can take over but if I'm still here I'll be ready to help the other missionary and know how everything goes. It was Hermana Ramos' birthday this last Saturday. The same day as our baptism so that was pretty cool. The elders threw a surprise birthday party for her. It was pretty cool!

I think my favorite food here is frijoles, juevos, y pan. Beans, eggs, and bread. It's the best. I think that I can eat them the rest of my life. It's really crazy how I can eat basically everything here in Guatemala. And I like basically everything here. The food is great. The only thing that I think I have a little trouble with is guacamole but I'm sure I'll learn to like it soon haha. I eat really good with my companion because she know how to cook lots of things and they're all really good!

Hope you have a great week!! Love you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hopefully a Baptism

I'm doing good. Spanish is coming along. But every time I think that maybe I understand and can communicate with people I get humbled over and over again. It's all good though. Yes the baptism is on for Saturday!!!!!!!!! We're so excited!! And it's Hermana Ramos' birthday! Hopefully it's going to be a good day. (cross fingers) Our other prospect David is falling through though. He's a really good investigator but we have a hard time meeting with him and if we can't teach him them he doesn't learn and can't be baptized. We're kind of sad but hopefully we'll be able to meet with him this week. The weather is good. Kind of windy but it's nice. We haven't gotten any rain except one morning during our study and we didn't even know it had rained till we left the house.

This week was a little hard because Elder Bronson left us! sob (haha) No we had a really good district meeting, we cried, we laughed, and it was all good. Then when Elder Bronson left for the offices we cried some more. And then we were baggie for most of the day. sigh But it's all good. Elder Moràn is doing a good job as district leader and our new elder is pretty cool. He's from Puebla, Mexico so he and Hermana Ramos get along pretty well. Elder Moràn is feeling the pressure of the district leader though. He says that he's feeling more of the worry as to where we are and if we're safe and everything haha.

This week some of the youth went with us to visit people and invite them to church. That was pretty fun. 3 of the 4 were from the family Flores (the stake president) Their family is awesome.

Hermana Ramos is getting ready for the transfers because she will have 6 months in Los Olivos and she's sure that she'll have a transfer. I don't know about me. I kind of want to leave to see other areas but if I have more time in Los Olivos it's all good. But Hermana Ramos started to pack over one week ago. She's crazy haha! (Transfers isn’t until the 28th)

Hope everything is going good at home. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Things are going good

Hey things are going good here. We had a really good week with lessons with a member present so that was awesome. We had a lady that was scheduled to be baptized this Saturday but she didn't attend church this week because there was a problem with her daughter's papers for the school because she's from another country so we have to push it back a week. We're really disappointed but that's the way it is. 

We're assigned to a ward and the other two elders in our district and in the same ward as us. Our area is a stake (Esperanza) but it's a really big area. There's 16 missionaries in the stake I think. We don't help out on Sunday. We just attend the classes and stuff with the investigators and even then we try to have the members take care of the investigators to befriend them more. I'm not sure how big the ward is but there's a lot of inactive people in the ward. In a normal chapel in Utah there're three rows of benches. The middles is big and then two outer rows that are shorter benches. Our chapel here only has those two outer rows with the short benches and they're all usually full on a normal Sunday. I do help out and play the piano most Sunday's during sacrament meeting. The church is decent sized. There're two levels. The top level is the chapel and a little stage thing like in the gyms and the bottom level has all the classrooms and the kitchen, etc. We usually have doctrine class outside because there're lots of people. But when it rains or is cold we squish inside. We haven't really had any rain and the weather's been fairly calm except yesterday we had a lot of wind.

The pioneer activity went really well. Well we had about 40 people so that was good but there weren't any new investigators or potential investigators. We had a lot of fun with one game especially. The apples in the water and you have to grab it with your mouth. The food turned out to be really good. We ate potatoes cut up and then a cream made up of sour cream, ham, milk, etc. It was really good. We had a small problem in the transportation though and Hermana Ramos and I had some spilled on us, me on my skirt and all over Hermana Ramos. It was because there are buses in Los Olivos and they drive kind of crazy but they're really reliable but there are also lots of speed bumps and when we hit one, well you can imagine what happened. It was kind of like a baby had thrown up on us haha!

Mariela is our baptism date right now. She has a friend and a daughter that attend church right now and her date is set for 17 of March because she's didn't attend this last week. Her friend is a miracle. Our first few encounters with her were bad because her, Hortencia, and the daughter, Jaime, are Evangelists. Hortencia said that she wouldn't pray to ask if she should be baptized and if she received an answer she wouldn't change. Well at some point her heart has been touched because she's completely turned around and she wants to learn more. She didn't reject the invitation to pray and ask and it's just a miracle. Jaime is still a little hard but she's slowly coming around. It's because she's been taught other things about the church so it's hard for her to understand.

Hope everything is good for this week. Love you lots!!!